Tearing Down Excuses

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When we are scared or nervous, we make excuses.

We tend to do this because we subconsciously think we are protecting ourselves from something that can potentially harm us. But most of the time when we make excuses we are harming ourselves because we don't allow ourselves to do the things we truly want.

We will say things like "I'm too busy.", "I'm not able to do it." or "I'm not good enough." and when we make these excuses we are actually self-handicapping ourselves.

I'm writing this article to show you that your excuses are holding you back. And if you are making excuses about having a boudoir shoot you might be holding yourself back from something that you presently need, and that's self-love.

So let's take a look at some of the top excuses I hear and why you need to stop saying these things. This is all to show you why you don’t just deserve one but need a boudoir experience!


"I can't make time for myself"

It is so important to remember that you need to take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself mentally you won't be able to handle taking care of everyone else in your life. This is common sense but, it can sometimes be easier said than done.

I was the worst at taking care of myself and allowing myself to have some mental health breaks. And I don't mind sharing this because I make this same excuse, and it's often my wife telling me that I need to take a break and give some time to myself and allow myself to slow down and take a breath.

And during a boudoir shoot, you are able to breathe, you are able to relax, you are able to love yourself, and you are able to be taken care of for a few hours.

Think about how stress-free it would be to stop comparing yourself to others, or to stop worrying about how other people will think you look. During a boudoir shoot, you will get to see just how beautiful you really are, and it is such a relief on your mind, body, and soul.

You need to take time for yourself, you know this already. Why not spend that time having an amazing experience where you get to see yourself as the beautiful person that you truly are?


“I’m not the weight I want to be”

You do not need to be a certain size, shape, or weight to love yourself. Why would you need to fit someone else's idea of a perfect body to love your own body? Why would you compare yourself to someone else when no two women are the same?

No one else is you, and I can help show you just how amazing you are.

It's great to have goals to live a healthier life, even I have some. But you don't have to hate your body as you work towards those goals. As a matter of fact, it's detrimental to your health goals if you hate yourself. If you take pride in where you are now it will make it easier to reach your goals because you won't be putting yourself down at every turn. You will love yourself for where you are now and then feel so much pride when you do reach your goals.

Have a boudoir shoot now to celebrate where you are now, and then have another session after you lose that 15 pounds to show off how far you have come.

And just like working out, if you don't do it now, you aren't going to do it.


“I don't feel sexy or sensual, so I can't have a boudoir shoot”

This is actually the precise reason you need to have a boudoir shoot.

Often times you might lose touch with your femininity or sexuality when life gets crazy because it's tough to feel that way when you are stressing about work, kids, and family. It happens a lot. And because it happens all the time to just about everyone, you know what that means? It's normal and it's okay to not feel sexy.

The best way to rediscover that side of yourself is to have a boudoir shoot. I can show you that sexy side that you might have lost touch with. And I can help you feel desirable again.

Keep in mind that you don't have to wear crazy lingerie. If that is not your personality then it's not going to look sexy or feel sexy to you. This is why we set up a consultation before your actual shoot date to help define what sexy means to you and help you rediscover that side of yourself.


“A boudoir shoot is a big investment and I can't afford one right now”

Yeah, a boudoir shoot is an investment, it's an investment in yourself.

You will be investing in your mental health, your well-being, and the confidence you have in yourself! I can not think of a better investment.

For those who need it, we do offer payment plans and credit options to help you make this investment easier for yourself.

If you have any questions about our payment plan options just shoot us an email. We are here to help you through every step of this amazing experience.