Reclaim your Independence through Boudoir


Independence is an essential life skill, yet it is something many of us can struggle with obtaining fully. We have all had some form of independence in our lives, yet we find ourselves giving up pieces of that independence for several different reasons.

We tend to give up our independence when we put the needs of others before our own. And we fall into this thought process that we must put others first and that caring about ourselves is selfish and a bad thing to do.

Because of this, it can become challenging to reclaim your independence. But fear not because below I have several ways on how you can reclaim your independence, and the most fun way is with a boudoir session.

Inward Reflection

In order to get started on being more independent, you have to do some inward reflection first and start asking yourself some honest questions. 

Start by asking yourself, Which type of activities, situations, and people make you feel most like yourself? And on the flip side, are there people in your life that make you feel unhappy or angry?

Doing this will immediately get you to start focusing on what is truly important to you. And by figuring out what makes you feel most like your true self, you can paint a clearer picture of that independent version of you that you are on your way to becoming. 

If you would like some help with this step, we recently created a 7-Day Challenge focused on helping you become your Authentic Self. When you sign up for this challenge, you will receive a new email with tips and a simple task that will help you become your authentic self over the next seven days.

And becoming your authentic self goes hand in hand with reclaiming your independence. Because what's the point of being independent if you aren't your true self?

Figure Out Your Needs

It's a simple question, "What do you need?" And outside of food, shelter, and water, when asked this question, most people list the same things "Friends, Family, Love ."And these are great things, and they are needed by pretty much everyone. However, these needs make you dependent on others. 

So in our quest for independence, we must ask ourselves a slightly different question. "What do I need to be me?" What is it that you can give to yourself that will make you feel more like yourself? 

Maybe that's as simple as going to the beach, hiking, or reaching the new level cap in World of Warcraft. Figure out what makes you feel most like you without depending on others, and start making the time to give that to yourself more. 

Doing this will give you a sense of freedom and esteem that is at the core of reclaiming your independence. 

Stop Focusing on What Others Think of You

Putting so much of our time and energy worrying about what other people think about us is not only a massive waste of our time, but it makes us dependent on others. 

We fall into this trap of having to make other people happy, and in doing so, we limit ourselves. And we already know that we can't make everyone happy, yet we still bend over backwards in trying to. 

So the only thoughts you should worry about are your own. And I am here to give you permission to start worrying about what you think of yourself and not what others may be thinking about you. 

Focusing on what others think of you reminds me of the quote, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." And it's 100% true. We need to stand firm in our beliefs and not allow ourselves to let other people's opinions affect us because that's all that they are, opinions. 

Start Giving Yourself Emotional Support

Returning to our needs for a second, we all need emotional support. But once again, this is something that we dump on other people in our lives and therefore become dependent on them for our emotional needs.

If you want to be a stronger person and indeed be independent, then you have to learn ways to give yourself that emotional support that we all need. 

Now, this is not to say that you need to get rid of those people in your life who are your support system, but it's an excellent skill to learn how to soothe yourself when those people in your support system are unavailable or unwilling to help you when you are in need. 

Alright, so how can you start giving yourself emotional support? Well, it all starts with having a firm understanding of the emotions you are having. As you feel these intense emotions build-up, please take note of them and call them out. 

Say this is anger I'm feeling right now, or I'm feeling depressed now. Once you can identify these emotions and call them out, you will be putting your brain into a problem-solving mode, and you will start to devise a way to take care of these emotions and find ways to self-soothe. 

The next step is to question why are these emotions coming up? Answering this question can help you prevent those negative emotions from starting in the first place, and it could also help you uncover what makes your positive emotions come out. 

And when you focus on the emotions you are having; you will be in a much better space to give yourself the emotional support you need. 

Reclaim your Independence with a Boudoir Session

Alright Greg, how will a Boudoir session help me reclaim my independence? Fantastic question reader. I'm so glad you asked. 😄

Now I can only speak about our unique boudoir experience because it is entirely different from other studios. 

And one way that you can reclaim your independence from our boudoir studio is from the first step of our process, and that's the Personality Reveal. The main secret behind our Personality Reveal is that it's all self-reflection. 

The great thing about this process is that you're not doing it all by yourself. I will guide you through all these big, yet straightforward questions like "What do I need to be me?" and help you uncover your true essence while supporting you the entire time.

Pretty much all of our clients describe the Personality Reveal as a mini therapy session, and it really can seem that way because it's designed to help get to the core of who you are as an individual.

And once you have a firm understanding of who you truly are and what matters most to you, then I can capture that person for you during the photoshoot, and you will then be able to see and even hold that side of yourself during your private photo exhibition where all of your fine art portraits are put on display for you in a gallery-like setting. 

You can now see that through our unique boudoir experience, you will uncover the essence of what makes you the amazing person you truly are. And that is a massive step forward in reclaiming your independence.

And as always you are more than welcome to book a phone call with us so that we can learn more about you, go over our unique process and answer any questions you may have.